Audit and optimization of Ads campaigns

New functions, new ads formats, new technologies. Google Ads never stops evolving.

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Do you think you are using Google Ads’ full potential?

Why carry out an audit?

The reasons for this are many: a sudden drop in conversions, the arrival of an aggressive competitor, or simply to have an expert opinion on your campaigns.

What is a Google Ads audit?

A Google Ads audit is a detailed report on your campaigns. An analysis of the strong points of your campaigns but more specifically a focus on missed opportunities.


One of our certified experts will proceed with a complete analysis of the structure of your Google Ads account. They will analyze in particular the structure of the campaigns and the ad groups, the targeting parameters and the performance of your keywords as well as all of the factors that play a role in the performance of your campaigns. It responds especially to the following questions:

  • Are your campaigns structured in a logical manner allowing you to manage them effectively?
  • Are you already implementing the latest functions available with Google Ads?

A report will then be produced that will allow us to better discern the gaps in your campaigns and offer you an optimization plan. Google Ads evolves continually and it is easy to miss opportunities that can increase your return.

And if you would like a free 30-minute initial audit of your Google Ads account with one of our experts via video conference, make an appointment now!

Case study


“Moment marketing” allows Eden Springs to reduce their media spending by 65%.

How to reduce media spending on programmatic display using moment marketing?

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Victorinox Swiss Army: worldwide digital campaign in 30 countries and 10 languages for the launch of the I.N.O.X watch

To promote the new I.N.O.X. watch and make it the star watch of the Victorinox Swiss Army brand, Suisseo launched a global campaign targeting over 30 countries across the world.

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Alimentarium Museum Vevey Switzerland

Smart bidding, micro-conversions and automation: a winning combination for the Alimentarium

How to maximize the results of your Google Search Campaigns while ensuring your account stays compliant with the new Google Ad Grants rules.

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Developing the patient base by optimising Google Ads features, automating campaign management and personalising messages

Discover how an Analytics setup and Google Ads campaigns allowed the CHD to quickly generate leads and thus develop the dental hygiene clinic’s patient base.

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Call one of our experts

Yann Burkardt

Social Media Expert & Graphic Designer

Laure Salber

Digital Marketing Expert | E-commerce & Acquisition Specialist

Lou Bielser

Lou Bielser

Digital Marketing Manager | SEA Specialist

Want to take full advantage of your digital campaigns?

We can help you and we will be happy to respond to all of your questions.

Your advantages

100% certified experts

You will work with a multilingual team made up solely of certified Google AdWords, Analytics and Yahoo!Bing Ads managers.

Total involvement

Your manager looks after a limited number of accounts, which allows them to guarantee reactivity, availability and the involvement necessary for the success of your campaigns.

Only the results count

No account is captive. You may consult your data in total transparency and you may withdraw freely from your campaigns at any moment. We think that it’s the only way of maintaining the continued excellence of our work.

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