Benefit from LinkedIn Ads to generate qualified leads

With over 500 million users across the world, LinkedIn is the largest social network for professionals and a powerful tool for businesses who wish to increase their visibility.

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Paid advertising campaigns offered by the LinkedIn platform are a great way of generating qualified opportunities, particularly for B2B companies.

One of the main benefits of the platform is the precision of the targeting features including the following examples: geographical area, business name and size, business sector, role/post occupied, area of studies, degrees, skills, years of experience etc.  

Based upon the chosen objective, LinkedIn offers different advertising formats: Sponsored Content, Lead Gen, Text Ads, Sponsored InMail as well as various advertisement formats (text, image, carrousel, video, etc.).

Different billing methods are available: cost per click, cost per thousand prints, cost per shipment.  

LinkedIn’s advertising platform is young and constantly changing. If you want to generate qualified leads, it is the place for you! Contact our specialists to discuss your project in detail. 

Call one of our experts

Yann Burkardt

Social Media Expert & Graphic Designer

Lou Bielser

Lou Bielser

Digital Marketing Manager | SEA Specialist

Want to take full advantage of your digital campaigns?

We can help you and we will be happy to respond to all of your questions.

Our guarantees

Trading Desk

We have access to the full programmatic inventory, in addition to market data. Our expertise, combined with the most advanced programmatic technologies (DMP, DSP, TMS), allows us to comprehensively manage your branding, acquisition, and customer loyalty campaigns.

Brand Safety & Fraud detection

Your brand is protected and does not appear in environments which could present a risk to its image. We use the market-leading solutions for Brand Safety and Anti-Fraud protection.


With Suisseo, there are no hidden fees. We maximize our clients’ media investment profits and provide total transparency with regard to costs and the performance of our campaigns.

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