Vincent Hsu

Digital Performance Expert

Passionate about digital marketing, Vincent started by doing SEO for his own needs. He quickly got interested in AdWords (this is how Google Ads used to be called in the old times) and has been certified for nearly 10 years now. Outside of work, Vincent likes to code stuff and skateboard.

Vincent Hsu's latest posts

Mobile First Index
Posted by Vincent Hsu
on 25/10/2018

SEO in 2018: are you ready for Mobile First Index?

Mobile First Index revolutionises SEO in 2018. It’s now the mobile relevance of a page rather than its desktop version which prevails for its positioning on search results pages (SERP).

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Posted by Vincent Hsu
on 18/04/2018

Google Ad Grants - Free Reporting Google Ads Script (Updated 10/2022)

This Google Ads script helps you check if your Ad Grants account complies with the new Google policy

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Our team

Lou Bielser

Lou Bielser

Digital Marketing Manager | SEA Specialist

Laure Salber

Digital Marketing Expert | E-commerce & Acquisition Specialist

David Melviez

David Melviez

Data Analyst (R) & SEA Specialist

Andrew Zappella

Andrew Zappella

Tech Consultant

Yann Burkardt

Digital Marketing Expert & Graphic Designer

mélanie buffe

Mélanie Buffe

SEO & Content Manager


Hadrien Rousseau

Digital Marketing Specialist

Let's get in touch